Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

Cross trainig soccer... not recommended

So last Sunday I participated at a soccer tourney in Germany, due to beeing stupid before hand and telling everybody what a good soccer player I am ;) so I had to catch up to my loud mouth and play some soccer...

long story short, I can say that playing soccer is not recommended for crosstrainig purposes, as it can cost you some days of trainig jiu-jitsu - in my case a big fat bastard stepped on my right big toe (okay in reality I am not as good of a soccer player as I thought and so instead of hitting the ball I hit the mother earth) and now i have a blue toe that hurts like hell and there will be no running for the next days...

lesson learned:
being a stupid loudmouth doesnt always pay-off ;) 


Montag, 21. Mai 2012


Yesterday i finally decided to join the website of Marcelo Garcia www.mginaction.com due to recent posts on variouse BJJ related forums. All the posts stated that this site could really help to boost your game at an affordable price. 

The price per month is 25 Dollar to access the site. If you calculate that in comparison to a private lesson which normally costs around 100 bucks and lasts for 60 minutes this is well worth the money. 

At a first glance I really have to say, that this is some sort of holy grail for BJJ and grappling. The site has more than 10'000 videos available at the moment and is very well structured as you can see from the picture below:
You can either browse through a certain position, down to the actual technique or just search for key words e.g. a technique you learned in class or something like that. What is also really nice, that you can create your own personal folder structure and put in the videos you like the most and that every video you have watched gets highlited. 

For me personally the "Fundementals" section is the one where I am going to spend my time for now and learn escapes, sweeps, transitions and submissions from every common position. 

Later on I might dig a little deeper into the X-Guard, which is Marcelos signature guard and see what I can get out of that. 

But its not only a database for moves as you get access to almost daily updated Gi and No-Gi sparring sessions of Marcelo and his students and him discussing different situations.

All in all, at a first glance, it is worth the money in my opinion.

Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

taking notes after class

Since the beginning of May I decided to take notes after every class, particularly on the moves which were thought. I have my notebook were I write down the move of the day in  and a detailed describtion on how to apply it in handwritting.

Here is a little article why handwritting is superior to typing ;)

Futher more I generated myself an Excel-sheet were I track the number of hours I have trained BJJ and Grappling and always write down the move of the day and also the page number in my notebook, so I can easily find moves and how to apply them.

I know its a little nerdy - but what the heck, I think it will help my game...

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

My little Dojo

Yesterday I posted my training routine - and most of the things mentioned, if not done outside or at my regular dojo,are going down in my own little dojo at my flat - here is picture of my massive space I have ;)

all in all i have 9 square feet to use, which is enough for workouts, solo drills and swiss ball drills. Can't wait to receive my submission dummy from http://www.zebramats.com/ in the next days and get my drilling to another level. 

I will be reviewing this bad dude after I have used it for a while...

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012

Training routine

So with this blog post I want to give you little insight into my current training routine:

Monday Morning: running for 30 min than streching
Monday Evening: strenght and conditioning (Kettlebelss/Pullups/BWEs)
Tuesday Morning: yoga and streching
Tuesday Evening: grappling and sparring
Wednesday Morning: nothing - I got to sleep longer in the morning one time ;)
Wednesday Evening: swimming
Thursday Morning: running for 30 min than streching
Thursday Evening: BJJ and sparring
Friday Morning: yoga and stretching
Friday Evening: strenght and conditioning (Kettlebelss/Pullups/BWEs)
Saturday Midday: grappling and sparring
Satruday Afternoon: tabatta uphill sprints
than rest unitl monday

What I also do every day, is the "pushup of the day" from Martin Rooney's Pushup Warrior - I really like this app cause it counts your progression and overall done pushups, here is a review: http://appadvice.com/appnn/2011/12/quickadvice-pushupwarrior

For my abdominal muscles I use the following routine:

For my kettlebell training I started with the videos from Budovideos:

So I really hope to be in good shape for the Braulio Estima Summer Camp and that I can profit as much as possible from this week of training.

Montag, 14. Mai 2012

Shoyoroll Kimonos

So when it comes to Kimonos I am pretty addicted to the Shoyoroll ones. I have only owned one other Gi, which was the Tatami Estillo Primero and then got into Shoyoroll. As you can see on the picture below, I own quite a few at the moment and I think I wont be buying any other ones soon - okay maybe the "RIO KOY" ;)

My newest ones are the first Albino & Preto and the Shoyoroll Count Gi. I guess I will be reviewing thoes two after I have trained a bit in them. So far the YANK and MAMBA are my favouirte Gis to train in. 

Have a good start into the week and IN GUARD WE TRUST!


Sonntag, 13. Mai 2012

favourite breakfast

so I just wanna give a little update concerning my favourite breakfast at the moment, which I acctually have from bjjweekly.com but I gave it a little twist on my own ;)

The night before, I take half a bowl of frozen berries mix an drizzel a little bit of honey over it, than I cover the bowl with plastic wrap and put it into the refrigerator over night. In the morning I mix it with cottage cheese and here comes the twis, I also mix it with oatmeal.

This not only makes a quick and tasteful breakfast but also provides you with high protein and high fiber to keep you fueled until lunch.

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

eating healthy...

As I also try to eat as healthy as possible, I did a little google research and came accross the following recipes guide by Billy Hofacker, which contains 30 healthy recipes for athletes. At a first glance the guide is well worth downloading. 

here is the link:

enjoy your healthy meals...

Braulio Estima Summer Camp

So I decided to participate at the Braulio Estima Summer Camp which will be held on the Chanel Islands from 23rd of June to 30th of June.

This is acctually going to be the first time training twice a day and I am quite curiouse how my body will respond to that. Nevertheless I hope that this intense week of training will really boost my game and that I am going to learn a lot from Braulio and his brother Victor.

At the moment eleven people are registred including one of my friends - so I have a training partner with me, which is quite nice from my point of view.

For sure I am gonna make daily updates during the camp on here, concerning what we learned and all the other stuff that is going to happen

Here is the link to Camp

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Let's get started...

So hey everybody, I am going to start this Blog to describe my journey to BJJ Gold at the next European Championships in 2013. I am currently a white belt with 2 Stripes Training since September 2010. Until now I wasnt able to get as much training in as I wanted to, due to my work schedule and injuries I suffered on my journey so far.

I just came back from a torn mensikus injury and now want to step up my game to compete and win at the white belt masters class at years Euros in Lisboa. 

I will try to update this blog with my ongoing training progress, strengh and conditioning, competitions and everything around my journey in this wonderfull sport of BJJ
