Surfing the internet, I have found a nice Martial Arts Manga which also envolves some BJJ Aspects.
You can find the manga under the following link All around Meguru Manga . I haven't had the time to start from the beginning, but hope I will find the time to do so in the near future.
Further more I have discovered a new BJJ related podcast which is called the "Just the Gi Top Podcast", they regularly interview current players and talk about their training regime. I am going to download the Gianni Grippo episode right now and I am quite curious about this podcast and what Gianni has to tell.
I personally caught up with Gianni at the CSA.dk and BJJGlobetrotter summer camp and also had the chance to roll with him for a bit. Surely I got crushed, but it was a super nice experience and I am still using one of his over under passes, which he showed in my open guard passing game. I am following Gianni since his purple belt days and hope to catch up with him again during my NYC stay and hope to get a private or two with him.
As I wrote in my last post, I will be going to New York for 7 days in October. I was thinking a lot about where I should train and If it is better to train at different academys, or just stay at one for the whole stay.
I came up with the solution, that I will be "just" training at Marcelo Garcias Academy, which is situated at the chelsea district in Manhatten, cause I feel that this might give me better training as I would get by hopping around to different academys. Maybe they take you more seriouse if they see your not just there for one class but for some days.
What concerns me a little bit is, that the ADCC in China will be right the weekend after my stay and alltough Marcelo is not competing, it is possible that he will join Bernardo Faria to go to China. Would be a real let down if I am there and he is not, allthough I quite confident, that his other instructors like Paul Schreiner will also provide superior training.
Just in time, the MGinAction website is now offering the follwing:
I will get one week of training plus a one year membership for the MGinAction website for $220. Normally one week of training would be $150 dollars, so I am actually getting the membership for $70 which is pretty sweet deal which I can't resist. Also this might be good to review some of the tequniches they will show there.
Sorry for not updating the blog lately, but I just didn't feel like doing it and didn't have to write much anyways. Never the less, I am going to change this blog a little bit and gonna write more about my training and preparation for the upcoming tournaments which will be following:
- IDM International German Championship in Neuried on the 19th of October
- IBJJF Munich Open on the 10th of November
- IBJJF European Championship in January of next year
Currently I am recovering from an infection on my elbow and will be out of training until next wednesday, where I will do a last No-Gi sess before going on a one week vacation. After the vacation it will be full fledge training 6 times per week.
In addition to the five Gi and one No-Gi sessions per week, I will also boost my strengh and conditioning in the mornings. My conditioning programm will consist of the following:
- swimming
- running
- sprints/stairs
- BJJ related circuite trainig including Kettlebells, Swiss Ball (but more on that in a later post ;)
Further more I am really looking forward to October, cause I will be in Toronto and New York for ten days and also plan to train quite a lot in those two towns.
In Toronto I will train at Open Mat Mixed Martial Arts Academy and in New York at Marcelo Garcias Academy.
I also have to really keep a good diet after my holidays, so I can go down to feather weight as healthy as possible, with the goal of almost not having to cut any weight right before the comps. So this means I will also post a little bit about what I am eating and why.
I hope you guys will enjoy what I am going to post and I am always happy about feedback. You can contact me on Twitter under BJJSebi...